Monday 17 October 2011

Am I on my own?

   Believing that someone out there is controlling you, You GATHER confident.
   Believing that no one is controlling you and you are on your own, You SPEND confident.
   It is not easy to believe that you are on your own since it needs a certain amount of confidence to be used.

know how to grow

The result of a juvenile action is a monster to kill the juvenality.
Don't control, abort or kill your juvenile actions. Let it birth! It is self killer.

An evil question for slavery

Does GOD have power to make a big stone which he can't pick up?

   If he can make the stone then he is powerless to pick up.
   If he can't make the stone then he is powerless to make that stone.

 Any answer to this question will make you a slave to the creator of the question. A question which plays with words. These questions are evil questions. You have to find evil questions and stop answering them and shutting them down with just a pity smile.  Oh, by the way, What do you think about this question?

Who did create us?
The GOD? A GOD? A supreme power? The fire? A statue? A cow?

Come on my friend, I am ready, give me an answer!

Be confident and be carefull on your normality

    Normal dude+ Huge amount of power + Sick System = Adolf Hitler
    Normal dude + Huge amount of thinking + Simple example = Issac Newton
    Normal dude + Smart Lie + Confused People =  A Prophet

    Be confident and be careful, you are a normal dude!

Don't hate bad and weak people

  Words with exact opposite meaning are same and codependent. The idea of power, good, and love can have meaning when you look at them from the position of weak, bad, and hate. The spirit of good can survive if there is an exact spirit of bad.
The conclusion : Respect bad and weak people and don’t hate them. It can be reversed immediately.